
Jan 14, 2008

Creating 3D Architectural Models Fast

Creating 3D Architectural Models Fast

In this project you master the most traditional approach to creating 3D buildings. Specifically, you learn how to start with a 2D floor plan and change the thickness of the wall lines to push them into the third dimension.

This method of creating three-dimensional walls is quick, requires little drawing preparation, and yields walls you can hide, shade and apply materials to.

You learn how to:

* Change the Thickness of an 2D Object to make it Three Dimensional
* Change the Elevation of an object to position it above the current drawing plane.
* Use the REGION command to create opaque planes in a 3D mode.
* Remove hidden lines from a perspective view of a 3D object.
* Quickly create 2D Elevations from 3D objects.
* Define a user coordinate system, or drawing plane, by selecting three points on an object.
* Move objects from one user coordinate system to another.

Instructions for plotting hidden and shaded views of 3D models appear in other Complete Support tutorials.

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